2011. 6. 2. 17:23 quantlib/QuantLibAddin
implements an interface supporting a subset of quantlib functionality.
constructor, member, utility functions are defined in XML metadata from which a python application generates source code for supported platforms.
1. Design
The core QuantLibAddin library can be loaded directly into standalone C++ programs.
: 이렇게 사용할 이유가 없다. QuantLib를 사용하는 것에 비하여 속도상 단점이 있다.
For other platforms, QuantLibAddin is wrapped in an additional layer providing platform-specific functionality.
1.1 Classes
1.2 Addins
QuantLibAddin is linked into a platform-specific library which:
-retrieves inputs in native format from host application
-converts inputs to QuantLib format
-invokes the QuantLibAddin function and captures its return value
-converts the return value to native format and returns it to the host application
1.3 Clients
The client application loads QuantLibAddin, instantiating a single global instance of ObjectHandler.
QuantLibAddin functions allow objects to be constructed, interrogated, modified, and passed as input parameters to functions of other objects.
2. Implementation
implements an interface supporting a subset of quantlib functionality.
constructor, member, utility functions are defined in XML metadata from which a python application generates source code for supported platforms.
1. Design
The core QuantLibAddin library can be loaded directly into standalone C++ programs.
: 이렇게 사용할 이유가 없다. QuantLib를 사용하는 것에 비하여 속도상 단점이 있다.
For other platforms, QuantLibAddin is wrapped in an additional layer providing platform-specific functionality.
1.1 Classes
1.2 Addins
QuantLibAddin is linked into a platform-specific library which:
-retrieves inputs in native format from host application
-converts inputs to QuantLib format
-invokes the QuantLibAddin function and captures its return value
-converts the return value to native format and returns it to the host application
1.3 Clients
The client application loads QuantLibAddin, instantiating a single global instance of ObjectHandler.
QuantLibAddin functions allow objects to be constructed, interrogated, modified, and passed as input parameters to functions of other objects.
2. Implementation
namespace QuantLibAddin {
class BlackScholesProcess : public ObjHandler::Object {
public:BlackScholesProcess(const std::string &handleBlackVol,const double &underlying,const std::string &dayCounterID,const long &settlementDateLong,const double &riskFreeRate,const double ÷ndYield);virtual boost::shared_ptr<void> getReference() const {return boost::static_pointer_cast<void>(blackScholesProcess_);}private:boost::shared_ptr<QuantLib::BlackScholesProcess>blackScholesProcess_;};}