Posted by karlsen

HFT was blamed for the huge drop in the stock market in May 2010, called the "flash crash." The Wall Street Journal reportedthat, "At one point, HFTs traded more than 27,000 contracts in just 14 seconds."

A nanosecond is 1 billionth of a second. One company, Fixnetix, recently announced that its  "microchip for ultra-low latency trading is now the world's fastest trading appliance for the financial markets. Customers are now seeing latencies as low as 740 nanoseconds through the stack (wire-to-wire)."

So what kind of language tools and techniques are programmers using to develop such high-performance systems? I suspected it would be something as close to the metal as possible, perhaps even assembly language for certain parts or some esoteric proprietary language. But some surprises emerged in readers' discussions of the previous article, with languages like Haskell and Smalltalk mentioned prominently.

However, it's no coincidence that Aleynikov was a C++ guy. As HFT expert Matt Davey, chief technology officer at Lab49, a financial services industry consulting firm, explained in an interview: "From a HFT platform perspective, C/C++ is the language of choice due to the latency requirements," he said. "The lower the latency, the more C/C++ is important."

Programmer/entrepreneur Jason Roberts told me the languages/tools used by HFT coders "really varies from firm to firm. Some use the Microsoft stack (.NET, C#, etc.), some use Java or C++ and others use more exotic languages like Ocaml."

Roberts has a unique perspective on the HFT industry, having worked as a founding partner for a series of small, proprietary trading companies and for a hedge fund, developing the trading technology. "I built everything from the order managers and feed parsers to the low latency messaging systems, trading UIs and tick capture databases, machine learning libraries and trading engines," Roberts said. "In most cases, I developed everything (or most everything) entirely myself."

Surprisingly, Roberts said he used C++ sparingly. "I never really used anything very esoteric and, in fact, tended to rely on tools that were fairly common and unsophisticated. For example, back between 2001 and 2003, I wrote two entire HFT trading systems (one for option market making and the other for equity pairs trading) using VB6, which even back then would've struck many as silly. The reality was that the applications worked, they were reliable and they were fast (since VB6 is compiled)."

"Moreover," he continued, "I was very productive using VB6, which enabled me to get a lot more done than if I had attempted to build everything using C++. In fact, I would only use C++ for the very rare algorithm that needed an extra boost of speed, and the one I remember best as being slow in VB6 was the square root function, of all things!"

Mike O'Hara, publisher of the High Frequency Trading Review, also listed the "C" languages as being prominent in the industry, along with Java, Matlab and Cuda. The latter, he said in an interview, is used for programming GPUs for an extra boost in performance, which seems to be an increasing trend (more on that later).

A reader named "TheRaven64" said in the comments about my highest-paid-programmers article that "I periodically get contacted by recruiters for banks, because my CV mentions Haskell, and there's a massive shortage of Haskell programmers." 

The use of Haskell indicates that the new darling of the software development world, functional programming, plays a large part in the HFT industry. TheRaven64 said in his comments that recruiters who contacted him for possible employment in the financial industry "wanted people with any functional programming experience. A lot of these companies use their own in-house languages, but functional programming is popular because it's easy to verify functional programs, and because languages like Haskell facilitate rapid development. Cincom does good business selling Smalltalk to trading houses for a similar reason. Typically, a small improvement in a trading algorithm gives you an advantage for a day -- maybe less. Being able to go from idea to deployment in under an hour is something that Smalltalk and Haskell give you, and that's something that the financial industry values highly."

When one reader asked about the role of testing in such quick deployments, he was answered by yet another reader who said, "I think that was the point. Writing in one of these languages means that you can prove the correctness of the code, presumably automatically, so presumably very quickly."

Of course, there's much more to the nuts and bolts of HFT than the choice of a programming language. "From an OS perspective, the default is Linux, a custom build that has removed all the fat," Davey said. "From a back-testing perspective, there will be some kind of tick database -- Kdb or similar." But other languages come into play also, Davey said when I asked him about needed skills for HFT programming. "On the UI and data side, C# and Java are relevant, coupled with database knowledge."  

High-performance hardware and a tight marriage with software are also important. A reader on Hacker News with the handle "actionbrandon" noted in the comments that, "From the CS side, some of the more cutting-edge stuff I've heard of being worked on involves hacking graphics cards to get a speed edge and building data centers in the middle of the ocean for the same reason." 

That hardware angle was echoed by Davey: "GPU/FPGA [graphics processing units/Field-Programmable Gate Array] usage is not uncommon from a hardware perspective," he said.

That was confirmed by O'Hara, who said "Cuda is increasingly used for programming parallel processing algorithms [pattern matching] on GPUs. Impulse C is used for programming FPGAs."

But the highest-performing systems in the world are worth nothing if the underlying logic is unsound. Or, as Davey worded it, "Having low latency, but a strategy/model that generates no profit, isn't really going to help, and likewise the reverse."

Roberts agreed. Besides a thorough understanding of data structures, algorithms and concurrency issues, programmers "need to understand what it is they're building," he said. "One of the biggest hurdles for HFT firms is that the programmers, quants and traders don't understand one another, which tends to cause a lot of problems. An HFT programmer who really groks trading and some of the theory and math behind finance will be regarded as extremely valuable and can usually write their own ticket."

and : 또, 만약 그리하면, …와, 및, 그리고
Posted by karlsen

헤지펀드의 특성
단기간에 높은 이득을 챙길 수 있다는 그릇된 인식이죠.
헤지펀드는 기본적으로 투자리스크를 줄이고 '절대수익률'을 추구하는 안정적인 펀드에요.
더욱이 10여 가지 이상의 다양한 운용전략을 통해 시장의 변동성에 민첩하게 대응해 꾸준히 이익을 내는 투자구조를 가지고 있어요.
투자자들 입장에서도 기존의 어떤 투자상품보다 '인내력'이 더 필요한 대안투자처에요."

 헤지펀드식 운용전략
- 롱-숏 전략
- 인수ㆍ합병(M&A) 등이 벌어질 때 차익을 노리는 이벤트 드리븐 전략
- '선물시장을 주무른다'는 뜻을 가진 선물 운용전략(Managed Futures),
- 전환사채(CB) 차익거래 전략
- 부실채권 투자전략
- 글로벌 매크로 지표를 활용한 전략
- 신흥시장에 주로 투자하는 기법
- 시장중립형 투자전략

'한국형 헤지펀드'는 아무런 규제가 없는 '헤지펀드'를 법의 테두리 안에 들여온다고 해서 붙여진 이름

 정부도 운용상 규제는 풀어주겠지만, 펀드설립 시 자격(자본금 등 등록의무) 등을 부여하는 방식으로 규제를 완전히 풀어주지 않을 계획이다.

소득세 역시 싱가포르(약 17%), 홍콩(20%)보다 더 높은 수준에서 형성될 것이란 전망이다. 현재 영국의 경우 50%로 전해지고 있다.

미래에셋이 이렇게 선물매매 전략을 쓰는 헤지펀드만 골라 재간접 펀드를 만든 이유가 있다. 다른 헤지펀드에 비해 비교적 환매(돈을 찾는 것)할 수 있는 기회가 어렵지 않게 주어지기 때문이다.
헤지펀드는 단기적으로도 3~5년 정도 투자하는 것이 일반적이어서 분기별 또는 연말에 환매할 수 있는 기회가 주어진다.
기업의 경영에 직접 참여해 기업가치를 높여 이득(배당)을 챙기는 PEF(사모투자전문회사)의 경우 최소 7년 이상 투자한다.  
 선물매매 전략을 쓰는 헤지펀드의 경우 비교적 환매가 쉬운 편이죠. 미래에셋의 재간접 헤지펀드는 현재 1개월 마다 환매가 가능

 'Managed Futures' 전략은 200개 이상 글로벌 선물시장에 모두 투자

'뉴스 > Hedge Fund' 카테고리의 다른 글

CTA, CPO, Managed Futures  (0) 2011.06.30
헤지펀드가 몰려온다  (0) 2011.06.30
Posted by karlsen

'뉴스 > Hedge Fund' 카테고리의 다른 글

"나는 헤지펀드 매니저다"  (0) 2011.07.01
헤지펀드가 몰려온다  (0) 2011.06.30
Posted by karlsen

 "이곳을 '대박 기회'로 보고 운용기술을 뽐내는 무대로 여기면 절대 안돼요. 기업을 경영하는 마음가짐으로 잘 만들어진 상품을 소비자들에게 홍보하고, 판매한 뒤 지속적으로 리스크 관리를 해 줄 수 있어야 해요. 무엇보다 소비자들이 신제품을 이해하기 쉽도록 재원을 모두 공개해 투명성을 키우는 거이 중요해요. 도덕성과 경영철학이 모두 녹아든 펀그여야 명품이 될 수 있는 것이죠."    

'뉴스 > Hedge Fund' 카테고리의 다른 글

"나는 헤지펀드 매니저다"  (0) 2011.07.01
CTA, CPO, Managed Futures  (0) 2011.06.30
Posted by karlsen
Posted by karlsen

2011. 6. 22. 08:25 뉴스


Posted by karlsen

HF : 투자위험대비 높은수익을 추구하는 적극적 투자자본
       주가지수선물, 채권지수선물, 상품선물, 외환선물 등 이용 -> 위험노출 -> 운용노하우 필요
프라임 브로커리지 : HF를 상대로 자금대여, 대차/차입, 자금모집, 리서치 업무 등 지원 
HF 라이센스 방안 : HF : 운용사 or 자문사, 프라임브로커리지 : 증권사 
Posted by karlsen
이전버튼 1 이전버튼

블로그 이미지
Pricing, hedging, risk-managing a complex derivative product





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